Doing it Scared

Doing it Scared | Dream Design Blog

Not everything worthwhile is easy, and not everything easy is worthwhile. This is something I have really had to learn over the course of my time as an entrepreneur and truthfully as a human being fulfilling all the other roles I play in my life.

In my experience it is often the most tedious, sometimes dread inducing tasks that prove to be the most effective toward achieving my goals. Aside from their effectiveness they often end up being the most fulfilling.

Take for example, today when I was tasked with creating a graphic outlining some of my accomplishments in business for a speaking engagement I am doing next month. I was terrified to even start work on this seemingly small project. Why? For one, graphics are not my forte, and I count myself fortunate that apps like Word Swag are so user friendly. The second reason is because it just isn’t easy for me to sit there and list off all the great things about myself that make me qualified to speak at such an event.

The alternative however is to not have this graphic created, or to have someone else do it, and then it runs the risk of not truly being reflective of me, and what I want to convey with my message. So I took a deep breath, I rolled up my proverbial sleeves, and I made a graphic. It certainly doesn’t have that Graphic Design flair that I am sure it would have if I had outsourced it to one of my talented friends, but as I looked at my finished product, I have to admit I was pretty proud of what I had created, and now I know I can do it!

Just as some of us get that rush from jumping out of airplanes or watching scary movies, doing things that frighten us in business can elicit that same response! If we can learn to harness that feeling and be excited for the prospect of new and exciting adventures, we then create a world where any goal we envision for ourselves is a success just by virtue of attempting it! How amazing is that?

Find something today that scares you. Maybe it’s calling prospects, maybe it’s making graphics, maybe it’s making a cake! Whatever it is, do it scared! Your future self will thank you!


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Generate life force energy that will magnetize the love, clients, & attention you desire – without having to tell a soul.

My "Meet Cute" Erogetics™ activation is the first step on this journey to rekindling your internal connection with your inner masculine energy. This is 
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Your sacred masculine is ready to give you the world. But you’ve gotta make the first move.
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